Check out my Projects!

Marketing Site screenshot

Marketing Site -

  • Played a key role in the development and continuous maintenance of Lightcast’s marketing website, utilizing Next.js and a state-of-the-art headless CMS system.
  • Empowered content creators by facilitating seamless creation and publication of blogs, research articles, and webinars through an intuitive CMS interface.
  • Leveraged custom React components and Next.js server-side rendering (SSR) for lightning-fast content delivery.
  • Prioritized accessibility and responsiveness, ensuring an exceptional user experience for all visitors.
  • Conducted rigorous code reviews and comprehensive QA procedures, surpassing industry standards for all features and updates before production deployment.
PipeScan screenshot

PipeScan - CNE Creative Enterprises

  • PipeScan is a cutting-edge pipe inspection system developed for the oil field industry, catering to PRS Inspection’s needs.
  • Powered by Django, React, and Django Channels, PipeScan establishes seamless communication with a custom board equipped with Hall effect sensors for monitoring pipe condition.
  • Real-time live graphs provided by PipeScan, through web-sockets, enable dynamic viewing of pipe grade and conditions, empowering operators to make prompt decisions.
  • Utilizing sophisticated algorithms, PipeScan meticulously analyzes data to accurately determine pipe wear and tear, grading pipes according to industry-defined standards.
  • PipeScan streamlines pipe inspection processes, reduces downtime, and enhances operational efficiency in the challenging and critical oil field environment.
WME Support Center screenshot

WME Support Center - CNE Creative Enterprises

  • Developed a “Support Center” dashboard application with Django for Watermill Express.
  • Enabled real-time monitoring, remote control, and maintenance of 1,500+ water purification centers across America.
  • Implemented automated maintenance sche`duling and issue tracking for efficient operations.
  • Utilized data analytics to derive insights from purification center performance data.
  • Streamlined operation, reducing response times, and optimizing maintenance routines.

John Minney III

Made with 💜 with Next.Js